Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Fallouts of 2 Girls 1 Cup

The last diarrhea post reminded me of something I saw earlier. I am not sure how many of you had actually dared to watch the now famous 2 Girls 1 Cup video that has over millions of views. It is disgusting and I debated a long time to put anything including the thousands of reaction videos that have spurred from it. However, the following two are interesting enough to be mentioned.

2 Girls 1 Cup Shi(r)t
Capitalizing on the phenomenon, t-shirts are being sold for it.

2 Girls 1 Cup Essay
Also, I saw this today. A film student wrote an essay reviewing the video. Haha, he got a big fat 0%. Check out the essay below.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

capital expos?.